Newsworthy Events
Updates and News From Great WestWelcome to our Summer Interns
We are pleased to welcome our summer interns Quinn McCauley and Logan Williams to Great West! Each intern will work under the supervision of a senior team member on “real world” projects. It's an honor to share knowledge with new emerging professionals who will tackle...
APWA Rocky Mountain Chapter Conference
We're all packed up and ready for the APWA Rocky Mountain Chapter Conference starting on Monday, April 16th. If your headed to Boise for the conference, don't forget to stop by the Great West booth and chat with our municipal engineers. We're happy to answer...
SWANA 2018 Northwest Symposium
Our solid waste group is headed to the SWANA 2018 Northwest Symposium starting Wednesday, April 18th. Have questions about your solid waste systems or just want to bounce some ideas off of our engineers? Make sure to check out the Great West booth!
Communities Working Together
A unique and technologically challenging wastewater pipeline was constructed under the Yellowstone River in the fall of 2017, connecting the community of West Glendive to the City of Glendive. This innovative solution to wastewater management proved to be the most...
Is On-Call Engineering Right for You?
Why contract for on-call engineering services? The answer for many governments is to ease the burden on local officials and public works departments. When properly managed, on-call engineering services assist local governments with funding, developing, and...
New Boise Office
It's official, we've expanded our Idaho presence with a new office to accommodate our growing Idaho staff. Check out the details below!
Can a Water Model Help You?
What is a Water Model? A hydraulic water model is a computer simulation of a water system. The water model is a powerful tool that can help to analyze an existing system as well as help to narrow down alternatives for future improvements and/or evaluate proposed...
Aquatic Organism Passage (AOP) Structures
What are AOP Structures? Aquatic organism passage structures aim to replace structures that act as barriers to aquatic species with structures that allow the natural passage of aquatic species (fish, frogs, salamanders, insects, microorganisms), upstream and...
New Billings Office
We are pleased to announce Great West has moved into our new Billings office, details below.
How to Fund Infrastructure Planning in Montana
We all have inspiring visions for our communities. We want clean water, quality schools, reliable infrastructure, safe streets, a thriving economy, and parks for our kids to play in. Comprehensive planning provides a framework to help communities transform their...