US Forest Service
Bridge and Structure Inspections and Load Ratings

Great West has provided comprehensive structure inspection services to the USFS Northern Region since 2005 on a wide range of projects. Our team has inspected numerous minor bridges, major bridges, complex trail bridges, railroad trestles, and snow sheds. Inspections have been completed by NBIS certified team members with detailed fracture critical bridge inspection experience. Several of the fracture critical and detailed bridge inspections included the use of an Under Bridge Inspection Truck (Snooper). The bridge inspections were conducted in accordance with NBIS criteria and involved site visits, element inspections and evaluations, scour evaluations and reporting corrective recommendations. Great West has also completed load ratings on numerous bridges throughout multiple USFS Regions on a multitude of bridge types including steel trusses, prestressed concrete, steel girder and timber stringer bridges.

Project Highlights
- Field Inspections
- Bridge Inspection Reports
- Recommending Repairs
- Reporting deficiencies
- Scour Coding
View More Bridge Projects
Roads & Highways • Roadway Stabilization • RID/RSID Assistance • Sidewalks/Tails/Paths • Retaining Walls • Parking Lots • School Site Design • Permitting
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