City of Red Lodge, Montana
Haggin Avenue Water Main Replacement

The City of Red Lodge’s water distribution system contains 100-year old cast iron water mains that are prone to regular breaks. Rusting in the deteriorated pipes contribute to degraded water quality, and water valves throughout the system are inadequately spaced and in some cases, inoperable. In 2017 the City worked with Great West Engineering to develop a project to replace the cast iron mains with 8-inch diameter PVC mains. The project also included installation of fire hydrants at each intersection in accordance with current DEQ standards, replacement of valves, and new water service lines.

Project Highlights
- Over 7,300 lineal feet of new PVC water main
- 37 new gate valves
- 144 new service lines from new main to a new curb stop
- 11 new fire hydrant assemblies
- All associated surface restoration of asphalt street, concrete curb and gutter, and sidewalks
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