Milk River Road Bridge Replacement
Valley County, MT

Project Features
- Removal of the existing functionality obsolete and load limited three span Milk River Road Bridge over Beaver Creek.
- Replacement with a new two-span, 167’ precast, prestressed concrete bulb tee beam bridge on a driven pile foundation.
- Approximately 1000’ linear feet of roadway work.
- The new bridge will increase public safety, increase waterway efficiency, conform to County Bridge Standards and ensure that the bridge continues to provide access for local ranchers and recreational users of state and federal public lands.
- Project Cost $1,000,000 (Construction)

Project Grants
- $500,000 TSEP

Project Activities
- Bidding Assistance
- Conceptual Design
- Construction Management
- Design
- Grant Writing & Administration
- Hydraulic Modeling
- Permitting
- Public Meetings
- Report Preparation
- Survey
- TSEP Grant Application