Natural Resources
Pioneer Fire Restoration
Pioneer Fire Restoration
Boise National Forest, ID

Project Features
- Completed inventory of over 100 miles of trails to access condition, map route and recommend improvements. Field data was used as part of the NEPA Transportation Specialist Report.
- Completed inventory of over 150 miles of Forest Service roads to access condition and make recommendations for improvements based on log haul routes.
- Survey and design of 5 culverts replacements, impacted by the fire, to facilitate Aquatic Organism Passage.
- Design of 2 timber trail bridges that burned during the fire.
- Survey and design of 4000 lineal feet of road that was impacted by flooding after the fire. New alignment separated the road from the channel floodplain and elevated the road above the 100-year post-fire runoff.
- Project cost $400,000

Project Activities
- Data/Environmental Collection
- Design
- Hydraulic Modeling
- NEPA Compliance
- Survey