Carothers Road Solid Waste Facility and System Consulting
Whitman County, Washington

Since 2017, Great West has assisted Whitman County, Washington with several solid waste engineering projects that span the entire spectrum of waste management consulting. Initial project work at the Carothers site focused on better management of leachate (contact water) that was generated in the waste transfer building. Great West replaced the old lagoon with a state-of-the-art system consisting of below-ground storage tanks and lined evaporation basins. Landfill engineering services have included assessing the closed landfill unit, improving the cover and landfill gas venting systems, and providing groundwater quality reporting services. Great West has also provided fill planning, closure/post-closure plans, and financial assurance planning for the County’s active limited purpose landfill cell (“inert landfill”). Most recently, Great West completely remodeled the County’s moderate risk waste (known in other states as household hazardous waste) building to provide a safer and more user-friendly facility.

Project Highlights
- Leachate (contact water) management system improvements
- Landfill engineering and landfill gas management
- Groundwater quality reporting services
- Household hazardous waste building remodel / improvements
View More Solid Waste Projects
Permitting • Treatment • Collection • Inflow & Infiltration (I&I) Studies • Lift Stations • Biosolids/Sludge Management • Preliminary Engineering Reports/Facility Plans
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