City of Thompson Falls
Wastewater System Improvements

The City of Thompson Falls has an estimated population of 1,332 people, of these, only 194 residents are currently served by the sewer system. The remainder of the community is served by private septic systems, including approximately 560 residential homes and three schools. These systems are often not in compliance with today’s regulations and some are failing. This project includes installing 25,000 lf. of new gravity collection system to unsewered portions of the Town. The treatment is also being upgraded to provide additional capacity for the collection system expansion. The upgrades include converting the lagoons into a complete/partial mix treatment system with a headworks, insulated lagoon covers, polishing reactor (PR) and ultraviolet (UV) disinfection prior to discharging into the Clark Fork River.

Project Highlights
- Sewer Collection System in Developed City
- Lift Stations
- Force Mains
- Directional Drilling
- Headworks Building
- Stair Screen
- Complete/Partial Mix Lagoons
- Insulated Covered Lagoons
- Blower Building
- Polishing Reactor
- Open Channel UV Disinfection
- Railroad Permitting
- Mdt Right-Of-Way Permitting
- Bidding Assistance
- Bond Election
- Capital Improvements Planning
- Conceptual Design
- Data/Environmental Collection
- Flood Plain Analysis for Lagoons
- Grant Writing & Administration
- Permitting
- Public Meetings
- Rate Analysis
- Recommendations
- Sewer District Formation
- MPDES Compliance Schedule
- Grant Funding
- RD - $9,182,000
- TSEP - $750,000
- DNRC - $187,390
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Permitting • Treatment • Collection • Inflow & Infiltration (I&I) Studies • Lift Stations • Biosolids/Sludge Management • Preliminary Engineering Reports/Facility Plans
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