Absarokee Water & Sewer District, Montana
Water Distribution Main Replacement

The Absarokee water system was experiencing significant water loss, averaging around 70% with some months as high as 85%. The system was comprised of aging and deteriorated steel pipe, much of which was only 4-inches in diameter limiting fire protection capacity.
Great West Engineering prepared a detailed Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) for the Absarokee Water & Sewer District’s water system including an analysis of the overall water system, a water audit, hydrant testing, water modeling, public meetings, and rate analysis. Great West completed design and construction management, including final plans and specifications, design report and construction oversight.

Project Highlights
- 16,500 lf of 6”, 8”, and 10” diameter PVC water main
- Fire hydrants
- Dewatering
- Preliminary Engineering Report
- Grant writing
- Rate analysis
- MDT permitting
- Hydraulic water model
- Public meetings
- Hydrant testing
- Project cost $4.1 million
- Funding
- SRF Loan - $3M
- TSEP - $500,000
- SRF Loan Forgiveness - $500,000
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Storage • Distribution • Treatment • Supply • Hydraulic Modeling • Preliminary Engineering Reports/Facility Plans