City of Roundup, Montana
Water System Upgrades, Phases 1-6

Roundup’s water system, consisting primarily of cast iron pipes, had deteriorated to the point the system could not provide adequate fire flow, hindered firefighting efforts, leaked excessively, and caused the water to be grossly rust colored. Realizing this was not sustainable and in efforts to prepare for connection to the Central Montana Regional Water System, the City began working with Great West Engineering on a multi-phase improvements plan in 2010 which included six phases of main replacement projects. The first phase began in 2012 and the last phase will be completed in 2022. In all, over 45,000 feet of main will be replaced at a cost of $12.6 million. The projects have averaged 70% grant funding using various State and Federal sources.

Project Highlights
- Phase 1
- 6,000 lf water main
- Well pump and well house upgrades
- By-pass existing infiltration gallery
- Completed in 2013
- Phase 2
- 5,600 lf water main
- Abandonment of 5 blocks of old main
- New water meters
- 2 Block of full street restoration
- Completed in 2015
- Phase 3
- 7,200 lf of new water main
- Increase fire flow to new school
- Transmission main replacement
- Completed in 2016
- Phase 4
- 3,200 lf water main
- 1,075 lf new 10” water main to school
- Completed in 2018
- Phase 5
- 8,000 lf water main
- Under construction
- Phase 6
- Up to 7,000 lf water main
- In planning/funding stage (anticipated completion 2022)
- Grant Funding
- TSEP - $3M
- DNRC RRGL - $450,000
- CDBG - $1.8M
- Coal Board - $1.58M
- SRF Loan Forgiveness - $408,000
- Planning Grants - $110,000